Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Experiencing Technical Difficulties

My laptop is having issues. I think the battery is shot, and I just need to make an appointment with a little Mac Genius and figure out how much money I'm going to have to cough up for a new one.

Let it be known that there are few things I enjoy less than the Apple store and paying to fix technology. Add that to the fact that the new iPhone is coming out this week and there is no place I would rather avoid that the throngs of crazies waiting in line for their Latest and Greatest. Let's just be clear that there aren't many things that will scare me away from the mall, but iPhone release day is one of them.

I am not computer savvy- I'm sure I don't understand half of what my computer is capable of, and I also don't care. I have simple needs- I want to edit my thousands of pictures, sync my phone and carry on with my life. Oh and I love making lists on the little Stickies. Those are cute. Since I sit in front of a computer all day at work, I prefer to read, cook, watch pointless T.V. shows, exercise or just have a little old-fashioned human interaction when I'm at home.

Speaking of pointless T.V. shows and "technical" difficulties, I hope that someone else also saw the previews for next week's Bachelorette. I don't think that anything so personal, invasive or downright mortifying for men has ever been so publicly discussed on a reality show. We even had to rewind it to make sure we heard them correctly. I can't imagine anything so public that could possibly be more embarrassing.

I guess there are worse things that could happen to me this week than having to buy a new computer battery?

Technology...is a queer thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other.
-C.P. Snow, "New York Times"


Cindy said...

THANK YOU! I couldn't believe they were talking about it either!! Not only must it be mortifying for him, but now everyone knows that she's sleeping with (or trying to, I guess) all of these guys on the overnight dates. Nothing to the imagination...

Anonymous said...

so sorry about the mac. i am actually thinking about getting a laptop and get rid of my troublesome computer.

i do things very simply. i do not have a fancy phone. i will never use half that stuff.

ugh!! the bachelorette. just shoot me now. slow and painful death...

good luck on friday!

Andhari said...

Somehow I always ruin my laptop, and my blackberry too. It's cool with all the applications and I can twit and blog easily but then something is always wrong.:(

Organic Meatbag said...

I have come, through my tech support job of the last 11+ years to hate technology...I know firsthand how bad it can go, because I hear from angry people having trouble all day... it has been my unchosen career for a long time...I'm just biding my time until I shcok the world, win the lottery, and but a pet Octopus...

Bethany Michelle said...

My poor little Mac is being cranky too!! Boooo...

And omgoodness, that preview for next week! We rewound too - I mean, seriously??!

Aaaaand you'll be in the greater NYC area soon... this makes me happy.