Monday, July 20, 2009


Here are just a few photos taken AG's wedding weekend... 

The priest may not betray us, but we were 20 minutes late to the rehearsal after going to the wrong church, convinced we were early. 

August 15th, 2009- these two are next!

RM + his GF. (I know, don't you love that dress?) 

AG + her cousin

AG + my gin and tonic and I

Bridal luncheon

Soon (and I mean soon)-to-be mama.


BF and I

KR and peonies

Remember, to let her into your heart... 
-The Beatles, "Hey Jude"


Teresa and Grant said...

I love weddings!

Anonymous said...

Great pics! Thanks for sharing.

The Professional Bridesmaid said...

I'm loving the red dress you are sporting!

Anonymous said...

love love love that song! i put it on constant repeat along with yellow submarine.

ummm, you dresses are too cute!! love the pink one! where did you get it?!

Amy said...

Thanks ladies!

The red dress is DVF and the pink is BCBG.